
Samuel Kilstajn | A terra é redonda, 17 de julho de 2024

Apenas as manifestações antissionistas dos judeus dissidentes, fiéis à cultura dos judeus da diáspora, é que têm o poder de contrarrestar o antissemitismo

A grande maioria dos 20 milhões de judeus em Israel e na diáspora, de diferentes matizes políticas, defendem o estado de Israel, isto é, são sionistas; e consideram antissemitas todos os judeus dissidentes, isto é, os antissionistas, tanto os judeus laicos como os hassídicos Satmar e os ultra-ortodoxos Naturei Karta.

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Adalah | 09 de maio de 2024

Since the beginning of the war on Gaza in October 2023, Palestinian students, citizens of Israel, have faced an unprecedented wave of disciplinary action from their universities and colleges targeting their freedom of speech and Palestinian identity. These efforts have been largely focused on the social media posts of Palestinian students, with those who openly reference or express their Palestinian-Arab heritage, religious beliefs or voice dissent over Israel’s onslaught on Gaza becoming the targets of punitive campaigns initiated by right-wing campus organizations, in coordination with academic institutions. In many cases, publications expressing solidarity with Gaza residents, or  Quranic verses, prayers, and other religious texts triggered disciplinary proceedings. These efforts have attempted to label all outward displays of Palestinian-Arab identity as “support for terrorism” and have pursued disciplinary proceedings against individual students to punish it as such.

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